Saturday, December 15, 2007

Gems ( Geminids) Meteors Finally Dec 15 2007

Dec 14 2007 Period : 224648_225246. Gems started with radiant ~23 degree
Vertical streaks of a slowly drifting jet contrails can be seen in mid frame

Shortly after midnight - Gems streaking outside my South facing window.
Visually they are just pretty - yellow-greenish spearheaded fast scurry across the sky.
Period1215_002509 to 1215_003622

Geminids Meteors 'Spray' - 2007 Dec 14/15
Early hours : Period Dec 15 04:19:17 - 06:03:15 total 12 (9 shown above)
Canopus left a series of dots in the stacked frames

After midnight - I stood at my south facing window and gazed out - the familar yellowish/green Gems streaking from radiant at the back of this window. The 6mm watec902H2U video system was left to do its work. Earlier on 10:08 at a park nearby my first Gem was a long length - spearheaded Gems ...
Situated at the tip of the malaya peninsula - SGP weather map around 4:40am - SGP relatively clear but menacing clouds from west of Sumatra means move clouds cover later....


TZ said...

Hi, I find your blog interesting.

May I ask? are you Singaporean?

or maybe stays in S.E Asia, Malaysia etc. I may like to link to your blog.

Dark Matter said...

Yes you are more than welcome to link...we are in the same Red Dot.. Thnx

TZ said...

Thanks. btw, it is so difficult to observe stars in Singapore sky.

Maybe we can keep in contact. Please visit my blog and email if you like.I have already link you to my blog.

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