Dec 14 2007 Period : 224648_225246. Gems started with radiant ~23 degree
Vertical streaks of a slowly drifting jet contrails can be seen in mid frame
Vertical streaks of a slowly drifting jet contrails can be seen in mid frame
Shortly after midnight - Gems streaking outside my South facing window.
Visually they are just pretty - yellow-greenish spearheaded fast scurry across the sky.
Period1215_002509 to 1215_003622
Visually they are just pretty - yellow-greenish spearheaded fast scurry across the sky.
Period1215_002509 to 1215_003622
Geminids Meteors 'Spray' - 2007 Dec 14/15
Early hours : Period Dec 15 04:19:17 - 06:03:15 total 12 (9 shown above)
Canopus left a series of dots in the stacked frames
After midnight - I stood at my south facing window and gazed out - the familar yellowish/green Gems streaking from radiant at the back of this window. The 6mm watec902H2U video system was left to do its work. Earlier on 10:08 at a park nearby my first Gem was a long length - spearheaded Gems ...
Situated at the tip of the malaya peninsula - SGP weather map around 4:40am - SGP relatively clear but menacing clouds from west of Sumatra means move clouds cover later....